Monday, January 24, 2005


In Central Vietnam, there exists a bastion of consumerism adrift in a sea of communist theory. Art galleries, sidewalk cafes, antique shops, and high-end restaurants combine to give Hoi An an air of the South End, Cherry Creek North, or Belltown. It is a taste of the West in the far East.

Old Town Hoi An has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site, due to its seamless mix of French Colonial, Chinese, and Vietnamese architecture. It is jam-packed with well-to-do tourists from countries around the world. French, English, Chinese, and Vietnamese languages float through the air interchangeably. It is a third-world shopping Mecca.

North of Hoi An lies the sleepy town of Hue. Known for its ancient Citadel, Hue has become the culinary capital of Vietnam. Once the former capital, Hue has evolved into a pleasant riverside town that has become a regular pit stop on the traveler’s circuit. We dropped into to these two towns on our way north to Hanoi from Saigon, and found them a surprising change from Southern Vietnam. Whereas Saigon is all hustle and bustle, Central Vietnam is slower, calmer, and much more relaxed.

After four months of travel, we welcomed the change.

Enjoy the Central Vietnam Photo Gallery.

Enjoy the Central Vietnam movies:
Art Gallery Chick.
Cheaper Than Water.

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